Moving Tips

4 steps to a tidy bedroom

Keeping your bedroom tidy is a constant uphill struggle for some, and a natural thing to do for others. No matter which of these camps you fall in to, it is a good thing to have a tidy bedroom, as it is simply more relaxing that way. It is proven that your mind is clear […]

Leave your old home behind. Make a new start

If you’re looking to turn over a new leaf, what better way to do it than to move house to a new place. Maybe not even a different country, town, or city. Just a different place you will be waking up and going to sleep each night can make a big difference. Share a house […]

Tips on Sharing a Room With Your London Flatmate

Sharing a room for the first time can often be overwhelming and intimidating.  Whether it is a best friend or acquaintance, there are ways to compromise and make your living situation a breeze with your London flatmate. Circumstances can often make sharing a room more difficult.  Factors such as lack of space and or privacy […]

Renting a Flat in London: Is Your Flatmate Not Paying the Bills?

You finally found the perfect London flat to rent, unfortunately your London flatmate may not be so perfect.  You might come across an irresponsible flatmate who doesn’t clean the dishes, do their laundry, maybe is anti social, but what happens when they don’t pay their bills?  It is important to take professional measures in order […]

Bonding With Your New London Flatmate

Move in day is getting closer and your nerves are starting to rattle.  You’re excited for your new chapter, but you keep worrying about getting along with your new flatmate.  Questions after questions are running through your head, making you more worrisome.  Take a deep breath and relax, there are plenty of ways to break […]

Tips For Living On Your Own in Your First London Flat

If you’re flying out of the nest for the first time or a freshman at a local university, we know that moving out to your own flat in London can be nerve racking and difficult, but a rewarding experience overall. It is easy to get caught up in your new independence and forget about crucial […]


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